Muhua Daily Homework Tutoring
Monthly subscription $30/month, Yearly Subscription $300/year
Get the home-learning help you need for grades 1 to 6!
The Muhua Daily Homework Tutoring provides your child with challenging daily English, Science, and Math worksheets, as well as teaching videos to support their learning. In addition, there is the opportunity to attend weekly virtual meetings with a tutor. This combination of instruction, student work, and virtual meets will boost your child’s academic proficiency in all subjects across all elementary grade levels. Muhua daily homework tutoring uses a combination of technology and traditional materials to support you and your child beyond their school classroom. It’s the perfect addition to your child’s learning during school closures! We offer home worksheets and instructional videos every day from Mondays to Fridays. Each worksheet was created and taught by professional educators. We empower parents to take charge of their child’s learning and give their child the opportunity to reach their maximum academic potential! |
Muhua Writing Tutoring
Monthly subscription $48/month (8 articles ) , 6 month subscription $240
Class start May 1st, 2020 |
Muhua Writing Tutoring program offers tutor insight and expertise.
A tutor will work with your child to find areas in his or her writing that can use improvement. All students enrolled in this program will receive two online writing lessons and two assignments per week. With instructional guidance, students will be required to complete their writing activity and submit their work to their tutor. After the writing assignment has been submitted online, their tutor will provide feedback through suggested strategies to help develop and revise the writing. All instruction, corrections, and feedback from the tutor will be sent back for the student to keep. Students will also have the opportunity to revise their work and resubmit it for a second feedback, with a final comment. Through consistent practice and feedback, students will improve in their writing skills as well as gain new knowledge in writing. Not only will our online tutoring help students boost their writing proficiency across all grade levels, they’re designed to make the entire learning experience more enjoyable for young minds! |
Singapore Math Challenging Word Problems Online Tutoring
Looking for Singapore Math help?
Singapore Math Challenging Word Problems for the Primary Mathematics series provides not only ample practice of graded exercises for students of mixed abilities, it also offers superior math students with challenging questions. Adopting a topical approach in which mathematical concepts and skills are taught and reinforced, Challenging Word Problems is a six-book series for Primary Mathematics. Using this series and the online group tutoring license distributed by Singapore Math Inc.® for use in the U.S. and Canada, MuhuaEducaton is providing an online Singapore Math Challenging Word Problems tutoring program across all grade levels! Our online program provides you and your child the opportunity to virtually meet with tutors on a weekly basis. This personal coaching experience will help prepare your child for any exams or catch them up on topics that are hard to grasp. Your tutor will go through questions, provide step-by-step solution examples for each topic and show common methods that are used. This program will provide opportunities for students to develop problem solving and flexible thinking skills. Your child will soon become an independent learner, capable of solving challenging word problems! |
April 27- June24, 2020 ,18 classes , $126 plus textbook fee
G3&G4: Monday and Wednesday 2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.
G1&G2: Monday and Wednesday 3:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m.
G5&G6: Monday and Wednesday 3:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m.
G3&G4: Monday and Wednesday 2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.
G1&G2: Monday and Wednesday 3:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m.
G5&G6: Monday and Wednesday 3:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m.